This list of characteristics for your Macho Women with Guns characters
includes a complete reference listing of the original skills along with our new
skills and the rules for them. Enjoy!
FORMAT: Skill (Source) - Permissible Characters
Beat Things with Whip (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Blow Things Up (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC, ML
Cavort About (OR) - MW, BB, BP, CC, ML
Combat Genuflection (OR) - RN
Climb Things (MT) - CC
Attribute: Dexterity
Cyber-Clones may use this skill to scale sheer walls, mountains,
trees, etc. If they fail their Dexterity roll they usually make it
about halfway up before falling off. Or they make it all the way up
only to discover that some redneck was looking up their skirt the
whole time. Climbing is at half movement rate and damage from a fall
is completely arbitrary and hilarious.
Demonic Giggle (OR) - BB
Disgust Onlookers (OR) - MW, BB, ML
Distort Reality (OR) - BB
Do Technical Stuff (OR) - MW, RN, CC, ML/TS
Dodge Responsibility (OR) - BB
Drive Things (OR) - RN, ML/BM
Fly Things (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Gambling (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Grab Stuff (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Grease Monkey (TM) - RN, ML/BM
Attribute: Dexterity
After a character spends one combat turn under the hood of a vehicle, on a
successful roll she can accomplish either of the following:
- Restore a non-operational vehicle to running condition no
matter how badly damaged, or
- Start a vehicle without the keys.
Modifiers to the chance of
success are:
Vehicle is a Yugo -3 (cumulative)
Vehicle is badly damaged -3
Vehicle is very badly damaged -5
Vehicle is a burning, crushed hulk -8
Hit Things (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Hit Things Really Hard (MT) - CC
Attribute: Dexterity
This Cyber-Clone skill represents their Kung-Fu training. It does not
require Hit Things. In fact, only a Bat-winged Bimbo would be stupid
enough to pay for the Hit Things skill as well as Hit Things Really
Hard, and a character cannot have both. A successful attack does
double normal strength-based damage and can be lethal.
Hit Things Twice (MT) - CC, BP
Attribute: Dexterity
Usable only in hand-to-hand combat. Each level of this skill offsets
one point of the -3 penalty on second attacks. The penalty may never
be increased to a positive modifier therefore most savvy characters
will not purchase this skill above level 3. But you are free to do so...
Hit Things with Other Things (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Interrogate (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Know It All (TM) - ML
Attribute: Intelligence
This character is always able to come up with unimportant trivia and
occasionally, on a successful Intelligence roll, will come up with
vital information, recognize an unusual item or symbol, identify a
foreign language or dialect, etc.
Know Weak Spot (MT) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Attribute: Macho
Successful use of this skill allows a character to size up any
adversary and find his Achilles heel or glass jaw (physical or
mental.) For example, you can tell by looking at a guy if he's a shoe
fetishist and use that to your advantage. Half the amount by which
you make this roll applies to Seduce Creature, Proselytize and
Interrogate rolls. If used successfully in combat (using this skill
is an action), the character inflicts extra dice of damage equal to
half the amount rolled under the required roll.
EXAMPLE- Rita Good Buch, Macho Librarian, has a Macho of 11 and a +1
in this skill. In combat against a Book-burning Nazi she tries to go
for his Weak Spot. She needs a 13 and rolls 8 which leads her to kick
the Nazi between the legs. Since she is 5 under the required roll,
she does 2 1/2 extra dice of damage.
Patch Things Up (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Perform Anatomically Impossible Feat (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Pray Like Hell (OR) - RN
Pretend and Lie (OR) - MW, BB, CC, ML
Proselytize (OR) - RN
Recruit Follower (MT) - BP
Attribute: Looks
A skill unique to Barbarian Princesses allows them to "locate" willing
hench-people in any group of non-enemy folk. A number of people equal
to the amount by which the roll is made will drop whatever they are
doing and do something for the Princess. How far they are willing to
go in their devotion is determined by using the chart for Demonic
Run in High Heels (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Seduce Creature (OR) - MW, BB, BP, CC, ML
Shoot Big Guns (OR) - MW, RN, BB, ML
Shoot Little Guns (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC, ML
Shoot Two Guns (TM) - MW, RN, CC, ML
Attribute: Dexterity
Allows the character to engage in two-fisted combat by firing two
pistols at the same time, one in each hand (characters with one hand
need not apply.) This skill must be purchased at a minimum level of
+2. Although normally both guns must be fired at the same target, a
character with a skill level of +5 or greater may fire each gun at a
different target with a -2 modifier to the chance of success. Also
known as the "John Woo Skill."
Sneak Around (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC, ML
Spot Obvious (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Submission Hold (MT)- MW, RN, BB, CC, BP, ML
Attribute: Strength
A character with this skill can slap another humanoid into
any specified wrestling hold after making a succesful Grab Stuff
roll (note that the player MUST be able to name the move, and
preferably perform it on the GM!) The amount by which the character
makes the roll is called the Submission Hold Modifier. This modifier
is subtracted from the opponent's Strength and from any rolls
rolls the opponent may try to make. For each successive round that
the hold is maintained, the Submission Hold Modifier is subtracted
from the opponent's Strength. If the opponent's Strength reaches
zero or less, the opponent is out cold. Once an opponent awakens
or escapes from the hold, Strength returns to normal. Any
Interrogation rolls made against the person held receive a bonus
equal to the current Submission Hold Modifier.
Swearing (OR) - MW, BB, ML
Swinging (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Take Charge (TM) - ML/AD
Attribute: Macho
Since it comes naturally to this character to order people around, and
because she has a lot of experience doing it, she can attempt to order
another person to perform an action. Only one attempt may be made on
a given target character or non-hostile NPC during a given adventure.
Note that due to the often uncontrollable nature of this skill, the GM
may determine that it has been inadvertently attempted based upon the
character's actions (i.e. "Could you get me a cold one... ooops!")
The skill is successfully invoked by making a Macho roll. Also, for
the order to be successfully carried out it must be correspondingly
phrased to the target's "mental capacity."
Take It On the Chin (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Throw Things (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Tie Things Down (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Work With Kids (TM) - ML/CH
Attribute: Macho
Although the typical Macho Woman (having been raised by wolves,
bears, etc.) has little contact with or knowledge of children,
characters with this skill will be able to calm, control, and
communicate with youngsters of any age met during an adventure.
The extent of the compliance will depend on the success of the
Macho roll.
FORMAT: Advantage, Point Cost (Source) - Permissible Characters
Ambiguous Relationship, 5 (SG) - MW, BP
The character has a... um... well...Let's call her a "friend" who follows her
around, cooks, cleans, does recon, helps bathe the character, and other
mundane tasks. This cute girl, usually in her teens or early twenties is very
loyal to the character in question. Very loyal. Loyal enough to cause others
to wonder about the true nature of the relationship. The "friend" has enough
charm and/or fighting ability to protect her from the various unnamed scrubs
that surround her, but is no match for a real enemy, and can sometimes prove
to be a disadvantage, requiring the character to defend or rescue her. This
advantage cannot not be mixed with the Hardwired disadvantage, as this would
cause the relationship to be much less ambiguous. A Hardwired woman must
actively seduce other Hardwired women to get what they want, just as most
Macho Women seduce men. A special guest submission by Brian A. Rogers
Special congratulations go out to Brian as he is the first to
submit an Advantage that your esteemed MWWG web page administrators deemed
worthy of inclusion here. Of course, it was also the first submission
that we've ever received... And don't think we didn't notice that you
gave it a name that would appear at the top of the list, Brian -- we're feverishly
working on a new Aardvark Advantage that will get us back on top!
Artificial Limb, 10 (MT) - MW, CC
Like Jamie Summers (Ed. - The Bionic Woman), for the cost of ten
points a character can have any one limb replaced with a cool
cyberpunk attachment. The new limb will have an automatic +1 armor,
do an extra die of strength damage on a hit, and can pack assorted
neat-o gizmos that don't upset the GM too much. Of course they do lack
feeling, can freak out onlookers, and occasionally go haywire.
Bat Wings, 3 (OR) - BB
Built-in Weapon, 5 (MT) - MW, RN, BB, CC, ML
A less ambitious version of Artificial Limb, this advantage allows any
little weapon of the player's choice (provided the character can find
and acquire it) to be attached to her body in some neat way.
Judiciously placed, this weapon can be fired independently of any
other hand-held weapons but at a -3 on the roll. Combined with an
Artificial Limb, a Built-in Weapon is automatically concealed.
Reloading can be a problem though.
Cellular Phone, 5 (OR) - RN
Crack of Doom, 5 (OR) - BB
Cyber Pet, 10 (MT) - CC
The new rage from Japan. These cute little critters come in hand-held
LCD packages, but at the press of a button they grow to full size and
are just as useful and vicious as a 'real' pet. Like a living animal
their characteristics and abilities must be purchased, but Cyber Pets
get a bonus of 10 points to start with. On the other hand they require
incessant care, especailly while in thier 'toy' stage, and if an
electronic feeding or play session is missed (these will invariably happen
at awkward times) they tend to die, or at least get cranky. Damage they
take can only be healed by successful Do Technical Stuff rolls.
Deflect Bullets, 20 (MT) - BP
Yes, just like Wonder Woman, this advantage requires some hefty
trinkets (bracelets, a shield, a sword) in order to work. It allows a
Barbarian Princess to deflect bullets using a Hit Things or Hit Things
with Other Things roll. On a roll of 3 or 4 she is able to aim the
deflected bullet. Undoubtedly worth the twenty points!
Endless Ammo, 20 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, ML
Evil Powers, varies (OR) - BB
Extra Life, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Fast Draw, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC, ML
Flame Touch, varies (OR) - BB
Fire Retardant Soul, varies (OR) - BB
God's Mighty Anvil, 10 (OR) - RN
Handbag of Holding, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Hard Drinking, 5 (OR) - MW, BP, ML
Hotline, 5 (OR) - BB
Infrared Vision, 3 (OR) - BB, CC
Look Good in Armor, varies (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Mutant Ability, varies (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC
Pet, 10+ (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, ML
Play Dead, 5 (MT) - CC
Cyber-Clones can be trained to control their bodies, regulating
heartbeat, temperature, and so on. By doing so they may feign death,
put themselves into short-term suspended animation, etc. Why they
might want to do this is, at the moment, beyond me.
Plastic Surgeon on Retainer, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC, ML
Press-on Claws, 3 (OR) - BB
Pure of Heart, 5 (OR) - RN
Run (or Fly) Like Hell, varies (MT) - MW, BB, BP, CC, ML
For each point spent on this advantage a character may increase her
base movement by one. Using "like hell" locomotion takes a lot of
effort though and causes one health point of non-lethal damage for
every consecutive turn it is maintained after the first.
Sainthood, varies (OR) - RN
Scream for Help, 10 (MT) - BB, BP
Otherwise known as having friends in high or low places (as the case
may be.) A Bat-winged Bimbo or Barbarian Princess can use this
ability to summon 1d6 lesser minions, regardless of where the hell
they are. It will take 1d6 turns for the minions to arrive. Bimbos
summon minor drooling demons even stupider than themselves. The
demons have a base 12 in all relevant attributes and a random
ability rolled on critter special ability table #2. Barbarian
Princesses are able to locate worshippers with a base 12 in all
attributes and an ability rolled on critter special ability table #1.
Scriptwriter, 5 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Shhhhh!, 5 (MM) - ML
This character has the ability to instantly silence another person
when she does all of the following: say "Shhhhh!", make a stern face,
and make a successful Macho roll. Modifiers to the chance of success
Target is Boyfriend of another character +3
Target is character's Boyfriend -3
Target is teenager -3
Target is Bat-winged Bimbo -5
Target is politician or lawyer -10 (try as you might...)
Supercool, 5 (MT) - MW, CC
For five measly points a Macho Woman or Cyber-Clone can be just so
slick, so suave, and/or so good-looking that any potentially-neutral
opponent must make a Macho roll in order to attack her. This
advantage also confers general unfair treatment, but you have to kiss
up to the GM to get it. (Note that while it may be cool to be a
Barbarian, Librarian, Libarbarian, Bimbo, or Nun, it can't be
Superior Airs, 10 (TM) - ML/RF
This character projects an overwhelming air of confidence and
knowledge (whether or not justified.) Can convince another that any
fact is true as follows:
- For NPC's, on a 1 in 6 chance.
- For other characters, by making a successful Intelligence roll (and, if
the target is a Macho Librarian, only if the target fails an
Intelligence roll.)
- For the GM, by supplying sufficient cash.
Teflon Skin, 5 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Time Delay, 10 (OR) - RN, BB
Ultraviolet Vision, varies (OR) - BB
Vampirism, 10 (OR) - BB
Weathergirl, 5 (MT) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Probably worth the five points. Like a TV weathergirl, the character
has a fifty-fifty chance of foretelling something about the future,
usually in an unbidden flash. If she concentrates on a particular
question she is guaranteed to foretell something, but it is only right
1 in 6 times.
Winged Wimple, 5 (OR) - RN
FORMAT: Disdvantage, Point Bonus (Source) - Permissible Characters
Alien Babe, 5 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Awful Family, 5 (MT) - MW, BP, ML
This disadvantage curses the character with a hideous, embarrassing,
squabbling group of relatives who make unfortunate demands and
generally cause trouble. Barbarian Princesses have typical royal
lineages complete with inbred uncles. This disadvantage can also be
combined with the Boyfriend disadvantage to create nasty in-laws. And
no, you can't kill them...
Backslider, 10 (OR) - RN
Bad to the Bone, 5 (OR) - BB
Balancing Priorities, 10 (OR) - MW, BP, ML
Bimbo, 10 (OR) - BB
Bimbo Librarian, 20 (TM) - ML
This character represents the rare anomaly of a librarian with more
looks than brains. (Don't get me wrong, there are some great looking
librarians out there... they are just extraordinarily smart as well.)
Characters who select this disadvantage must swap the values of their
Looks and Intelligence attributes and forfeit the Macho Librarian
ability to make a "Brains Over Beauty" Intelligence roll after failing
a Looks roll.
Book Collector, 10 (TM) - ML
Collects books of all types. This character has an extensive personal
library and will take every advantage to acquire new books no matter
how inconvenient a hindrance to the mission at hand. This character
might be diverted by stealing from a bookstore, browsing in the book
aisle at the supermarket, or making a "quick trip" back home to drop
off her latest acquisitions.
Boyfriend, 10 (MT) - MW, BB, BP, CC, ML
In the life of a Macho Woman a boyfriend can be a terrible liability
(fortunately for Renegade Nuns their orders prohibit them from having
any.) Boyfriends show up at inopportune moments wanting attention;
they embarrass you in front of your Macho Women friends and they often
need rescuing or protecting. You may be getting laid, but it's still
enough of a nuisance to be worth ten points. Should your Boyfriend
die (you should be so lucky), this disadvantage will have to be
converted into another ten point disadvantage. Depressed or
Hyperactive Hormones should fit the bill. Or perhaps you are blamed
for his death making you an Outlaw. SEE rules for NPC Boyfriends.
Chafing, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Conservative Dresser, 20 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC, ML
Depression, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Embarrassing Habit, 5 (MT) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Think along the following lines. Your character has: a predilection
for chocolate ice cream that leads her into trouble, a stack of
Playgirl magazines that must be defended, a preference for
inconvenient baby-doll dresses that elicit scorn and abuse from hard-
cases, a disgusting propensity for talking with her mouth full that
reduces her Looks at the dinner table, etc. Anything the player
thinks of and can convince the GM is worth five points. (For Renegade
Nuns an embarrassing habit might be one with paisleys.)
Fairness, 5 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Hardwired, 5 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Hyperactive Hormones, 10 (MT) - MW, BB, ML
A misguided character with this disadvantage has figured out a use for
men other than target practice. She tends to prolong their deaths, or
make slaves out of them, to get what use she can from the pitiful
creatures. In fact, she must make a Macho roll to kill the good-
looking ones at all. Worse still, as a result of her affliction, she
will act irrationally: even looking for men! In the periods between
men, kitchen appliances and other utensils will have to do (something
embarrassing will have to be included in her survival kit.) The
longer she goes without "action", the more this woman must complain
loud and annoyingly. If she has a Boyfriend, the character will annoy
her comrades in other ways.
Inverse Skill, 3 (MT) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
This disadvantage opens the door for a little more fun and leeway in
creating a character. Subject to GM approval, it allows a player to choose
any (relevant) skill and declare "I'm no good at that." The character gains
three points and insures that any time she attempts to perform a particular
action the results will be disastrous and hilarious. Some examples of an
Inverse Skill might be: "Throws like a Boy," "REALLY bad with Children"
and "Can't Drive for Shit." While Inverse Skills can't be taken at multiple
levels the way skills can, a player may be awarded extra points if she
elects to suck at something particularly essential - like shooting or
Loves to Read, 10 (TM) - ML
Awed by her own Intelligence, and eager to show-off for her friends,
this woman will do so by spontaneously deciding to read *aloud* just
about anything and everything in plain view, usually at the most
inopportune times. For example, this character might stop in the
midst of combat to recite the slogan on a billboard, start reading the
label on a 50 gallon drum while trying to quietly sneak up on an enemy
hideout, etc.
Mutant Disadvantage, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, CC
Mysterious Programming, 10 (MT) - CC
Although the Cyber-Clones rejected control, their subconscious minds
may still carry certain commands that they must act upon compulsively.
Triggered by a secret and everyday command word, a particular
situation, or sight (determined by the GM in advance), the Cyber-Clone
swings into action, screwing things up royally by assassinating the
key political figures, stealing crown jewels, etc. (anything liable to
cause ten points worth of trouble for the character and her group.)
Nasty War Syndrome, 10 (MT) - MW, RN, BP, CC, ML
A character with this disadvantage has seen some pretty terrible
action overseas on the front lines when things started to go kablooey
(or before then.) Whatever. When combat threatens there is a 1 in 6
chance that she will start screaming "Die you *?@#** (insert noun)!!"
and immediately open fire thus spoiling any potential for negotiation.
In this battle-frenzied state she will hose down anything nearby,
friend or foe. Battle frenzy may go away each turn on the same roll.
Even when not in battle the character remains slightly "unhinged,"
liable to take potshots at young children and tell boring stories
about "the war."
Non-Intellect, 20 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC
Obsessive Quest, 10 (MT) - RN, BB, BP
Whether it be protecting the world from Communism or ridding it of
fast-food chains, some overriding purpose dominates the mind of the
character who chooses this disadvantage. At every opportunity the
player (or GM) must find a way to interpret events according to the
character's obsession, and no adventure is complete without a time-
wasting, costly, and (needless to say) violent attempt to further the
quest. Barbarian Princesses are invariably looking for the lost
homeland or trying to regain honor before being allowed to reclaim
their royal status.
Outlaw, 10/15/20 (MT) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
It is possible to buy multiple levels of this disadvantage,
representing the degree to which the character is despised and hunted.
At each level the character must add one heinous crime she is guilty
(or accused) of and one major organization that is after her.
Examples of the latter can include the Vatican, Hell, Neo-Nazis, KKK,
U.S. Underground Secret Police, the Men in Black, and so on. A
maximum of three levels of this disadvantage may be taken.
Overdeveloped Parental Complex, 5 (TM) - ML/CH
After years of working only with children, this character reacts to
stressful situations by falling back on old habits and treating adults
like children. This character will drive others up the wall with
corrections, scolding, and lectures. If things get really out of hand,
she might stoop to telling someone to stand in the corner or take
a nap.
Perpetual Whisperer, 10 (TM) - ML
After spending years speaking in hushed tones at the Library, this
woman can no longer muster a normal speaking voice let alone a shout.
It will be difficult for other characters to hear or understand her
when there is any sort of background noise. In situations involving
long distances or very loud noises (i.e. a gunfight) the character
will be inaudible even over a radio, bullhorn, etc.
Personal Weakness, 10 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Physical Disability, varies (MT) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
The number of points this disadvantage is worth varies depending on
how severe the liability. A stutter, for instance, may be endearing
but it makes it difficult to communicate at crucial moments and is
worth five points. An eye patch looks cool as hell but screws up your
peripheral vision and should be worth ten points. A missing arm can
be a real bitch and is worth twenty points. (Having an artificial
limb negates this disadvantage, of course.) Only a Renegade Nun with
a serious set of wheels could survive having no legs, and if she's
fool enough to try, it's worth thirty points. Gruesome diseases
should also be considered, as well as ridiculous tics.
Prudish, 20 (MM) - RN, ML
A character with this disadvantage (often found in conjunction with
Ultra-Conservative Dresser) can barely stand to associate with unsavory
types (like Macho Women, Bat-Winged Bimbos, etc.) She must burn
objectionable books (unless an ML), lecture colleagues about their
behavior, and do her best to come between any couples she encounters.
Her standards must adhere in every way to those found in the Handbook
for a Moral America. Although the 20 point bonus is generous, this is
because a character with this disadvantage will generally have to
be killed during the initial 'armament' stage of an adventure just so
things can get under way.
Sadistic, 5 (OR) - MW, ML
Secret Love, 5 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
Significant Birthmark, 5 (MT) - MW, RN, BB, BP, CC, ML
The character is stuck with a map of Cuba on her shoulder, the shape
of a banana on her ass, etc. Visible birthmarks need not be extreme
but must always lead to being mistaken for the next savior, the
"sacrifice we've been awaiting for millennia", etc. Non-visible
birthmarks are only worth five points if they affect the character:
containing some hidden clue about her destiny, a mystic symbol, etc.
(that sort of garbage.) Also known as "the Gorby."
Squeamish, 5 (OR) - BB
Status-conscious, 5 (OR) - MW, BB, ML
Sunday Driver, 10 (TM) - ML/BM
Although this character is likely a skilled veteran of the roads,
she has a hard time getting into second gear. Will always travel
at a leisurely pace blissfully unaware of traffic signals, merging
traffic, and incoming fire. Unless prevented by sufficient physical
force, this character will invariably be the one to drive whenever
the group travels by vehicle (even if using a taxi or public bus!)
If two people in your group have this disadvantage, you better walk!
Topheavy, 5 (OR) - MW, RN, BB, BP, ML
Ultra-Conservative Dresser, 20 (TM) - ML
Forget today's fashions. This character sticks to strictly to frumpy
dresses, pantyhose, bee-hive hairdos and any other fashion styles
appropriately out of date. Will not wear armor of any type. Dresses
just about the same for all occasions and causes other people to
wonder if she has more than two or three sets of clothes.
Vengeful, 5 (OR) - BB
Vow of Silence, 10 (OR) - RN
Vow of Violence, 10 (OR) - RN