The character profiles for the "Spice Girls" were created by The Maverick to fill the pop-music role-playing void
(and as part of a blatant attempt to get more visitors for the web page!) Enjoy!
GERI, Ginger Spice
Real Name: Geraldine Estelle Halliwell
Born: 1972, Height: 5'2", Weight: 100 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 9, Looks: 16, Macho: 14, Health: 10
Class: Macho Woman
Beat Things with Whip, Cavort About, Gambling +1, Interrogate, Know Weak Spot +1, Seduce Creature +2, Shoot Little Guns, Shoot Big Guns +1, Submission Hold, Swearing, Tie Things Down
Look Good in Armor 1
Embarrassing Habit - exposes self in public, Hyperactive Hormones, Status-conscious, Topheavy
MEL B, Scary Spice
Real Name: Melanie Janine Brown
Born: 1975, Height: 5'5", Weight: 112 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 12, Looks: 12, Macho: 16, Health: 10
Class: Barbarian Princess
Cavort About +1, Hit Things Twice +1, Hit Things with Other Things, Interrogate, Know Weak Spot, Recruit Follower, Seduce Creature, Throw Things +1
Built-in Weapon - poisoned tongue stud for lethal kisses, Deflect Bullets - with microphone, Hard Drinking, Look Good in Armor 2, Pet (Cat Str 8, Dex 12, Lks 8, Mac 10, Hlt 12)
Chafing, Embarrassing Habit - kisses people to show-off her pierced tongue, Hardwired, Sadistic, Status-conscious
EMMA, Baby Spice
Real Name: Emma Lee Bunton
Born: 1976, Height: 5'2", Weight: 98 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 14, Looks: 16, Macho: 10, Health: 8
Class: BWB
Cavort About +1, Grab Stuff, Hit Things, Pretend and Lie +1, Seduce Creature +2, Shoot Little Guns
Bat Wings, Fast Draw, Look Good in Armor 2
Bimbo, Embarrassing Habit - prefers baby doll dresses and other non-Macho clothes, Hyperactive Hormones
MEL C, Sporty Spice
Real Name: Melanie Jayne Chisholm
Born: 1974, Height: 5'6", Weight: 115 lbs.
Strength: 13, Dexterity: 14, Looks: 10, Macho: 10, Health: 12
Class: Cyber-Clone
Cavort About +2, Climb Things, Grab Stuff +1, Hit Things Really Hard +1, Shoot Little Guns +1, Sneak Around +1, Take It On the Chin
Endless Ammo, Infrared Vision, Play Dead
Chafing, Embarrassing Habit - always wears a track suit over anything else
VICTORIA, Posh Spice
Real Name: Victoria Addams
Born: 1975, Height: 5'6", Weight: 115 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 14, Looks: 14, Macho: 12, Health: 10
Class: Macho Woman
Beat Things with Whip, Cavort About +1, Grab Stuff, Seduce Creature +1, Shoot Big Guns, Shoot Little Guns, Shoot Two Guns +1
Endless Ammo, Fast Draw, Supercool
Conservative Dresser, Fairness