Spice Girls Character Profiles

Can you guess the Spice Girl?
"2 Become 1": A Spice Girl and Her Gun

Sample characters for Macho Women with Guns

You are spice shaker number Spice, spice, baby! since December 1997

Disclaimer for misguided lawyers and critics:
The statistics here are for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to accurately portray any real person, Spice Girl, or other litigious being.

The character profiles for the "Spice Girls" were created by The Maverick to fill the pop-music role-playing void (and as part of a blatant attempt to get more visitors for the web page!) Enjoy!

No longer works here...GERI, Ginger Spice

Real Name: Geraldine Estelle Halliwell
Born: 1972, Height: 5'2", Weight: 100 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 9, Looks: 16, Macho: 14, Health: 10
Class: Macho Woman


Beat Things with Whip, Cavort About, Gambling +1, Interrogate, Know Weak Spot +1, Seduce Creature +2, Shoot Little Guns, Shoot Big Guns +1, Submission Hold, Swearing, Tie Things Down


Look Good in Armor 1


Embarrassing Habit - exposes self in public, Hyperactive Hormones, Status-conscious, Topheavy

Watch me take off my wig!MEL B, Scary Spice

Real Name: Melanie Janine Brown
Born: 1975, Height: 5'5", Weight: 112 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 12, Looks: 12, Macho: 16, Health: 10
Class: Barbarian Princess


Cavort About +1, Hit Things Twice +1, Hit Things with Other Things, Interrogate, Know Weak Spot, Recruit Follower, Seduce Creature, Throw Things +1


Built-in Weapon - poisoned tongue stud for lethal kisses, Deflect Bullets - with microphone, Hard Drinking, Look Good in Armor 2, Pet (Cat Str 8, Dex 12, Lks 8, Mac 10, Hlt 12)


Chafing, Embarrassing Habit - kisses people to show-off her pierced tongue, Hardwired, Sadistic, Status-conscious

Are those snakes or ponytails?EMMA, Baby Spice

Real Name: Emma Lee Bunton
Born: 1976, Height: 5'2", Weight: 98 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 14, Looks: 16, Macho: 10, Health: 8
Class: BWB


Cavort About +1, Grab Stuff, Hit Things, Pretend and Lie +1, Seduce Creature +2, Shoot Little Guns


Bat Wings, Fast Draw, Look Good in Armor 2


Bimbo, Embarrassing Habit - prefers baby doll dresses and other non-Macho clothes, Hyperactive Hormones

Yes, Sporty SpiceMEL C, Sporty Spice

Real Name: Melanie Jayne Chisholm
Born: 1974, Height: 5'6", Weight: 115 lbs.
Strength: 13, Dexterity: 14, Looks: 10, Macho: 10, Health: 12
Class: Cyber-Clone


Cavort About +2, Climb Things, Grab Stuff +1, Hit Things Really Hard +1, Shoot Little Guns +1, Sneak Around +1, Take It On the Chin


Endless Ammo, Infrared Vision, Play Dead


Chafing, Embarrassing Habit - always wears a track suit over anything else

Sposh piceVICTORIA, Posh Spice

Real Name: Victoria Addams
Born: 1975, Height: 5'6", Weight: 115 lbs.
Strength: 10, Dexterity: 14, Looks: 14, Macho: 12, Health: 10
Class: Macho Woman


Beat Things with Whip, Cavort About +1, Grab Stuff, Seduce Creature +1, Shoot Big Guns, Shoot Little Guns, Shoot Two Guns +1


Endless Ammo, Fast Draw, Supercool


Conservative Dresser, Fairness

Guestbook by GuestWorld


This Spice Girls Super Ring site is owned by The Mav.

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