Return to the Microgame HQ Archives Wallace Wang writes: "I remember buying the first Microgame, Ogre, way back in 1978 and had a great time with wargames and microgames in particular until the early 80's. Around 1980, I wrote a satirical wargame article for The Space Gamer (when it was under Metagaming's control) that was accepted but never published." "In 1983, I sold the game Orbit War to Steve Jackson Games. I only got paid $300 for it. I had originally designed Orbit War in hopes of selling it to Metagaming but they went out of business before I could propose it to them. Then I tried Task Force Games but I think they were going out of business in the early 80's too. So that left Steve Jackson Games. To my surprise, they bought it, published it in 1984, and then later sold it as a boxed edition in 1992." "I never met Steve Jackson and only spoke to him once on the phone to ask for my free boxed copies of Orbit War. The most pleasing memory to me about the Orbit War game is that I received Steve Jackson's acceptance letter on my twenty-second birthday, so it made a very memorable birthday present indeed!" "My only other wargaming credit was designing one of the game contests for Avalon Hill's magazine, The General. My contest focused on their game Submarine." "After 1983, when reaction to Orbit War was less than astounding and the entire wargame industry seemed to be fading away under the onslaught of computer wargames, I kind of drifted out of the wargaming community and started focusing on personal computers instead. Starting around 1986 I began writing computer books for various publishers such as McGraw-Hill, WordWare Publishing, Sams Publishing, and others. Eventually my friend Dan Gookin, who wrote "DOS for Dummies", hooked me up with IDG Books and I started writing the Dummies books around 1992." "Prior to that I got tired of writing computer books and gave it up for two years, starting in 1990 when I devoted myself to stand-up comedy. In 1994 I managed to appear on the TV show A&E's "Evening at the Improv" and in 1997 I first appeared at the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas." "So right now my plans are to continue both comedy and computer book writing and maybe slide in a wargame design here and there. I had three other wargame designs partially finished when I drifted away from wargaming, so I might try to bring those out again and see if I can get them published somewhere." "By the way, Orbit War was meant to be a game system, not just a game in much the same way Melee and Wizard were systems instead of isolated games like the later microgames became. I had planned a Strategic Orbit War game where the goal is for players to explore, colonize, and mine the solar system. So I envisioned one big map showing the planets orbiting around, then a bunch of little maps showing the players' satellites orbiting the different planets, trying to blow the other guy's satellites out of orbit so they can claim the natural resources of that planet for themselves." "Alas, with Orbit War failing, Strategic Orbit War never came to pass either. Looking back, it's hard to see that there will ever be a resurgence in wargaming since computer simulations are so much cheaper and exciting to play." June 30, 2000 Return to the Microgame HQ Archives