Part One
- Task Force Games released the first of their Pocket Games, the second major sci-fi/fantasy microgame line, in 1979.
- The Pocket Games were digest sized games packaged in a ziplock bag. Some games were sold shrinkwrapped with the ziplock folded inside the rulebook.
- Task Force released twenty-two Pocket Games.
- Starfire was followed by two Pocket Games sequels before being released as a boxed game.
- Star Fleet Battles became one of the first microgames to grow into a full-fledged boxed set when it was rerelased as such in 1979.
- Prochorovka was rereleased as the boxed game Armor at Kursk.
- Swordquest and Operation Pegasus were both rereleased as boxed games.
- Battlewagon was rereleased in a larger format folio edition. The earliest Pocket Game version had double-sided counters.
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